KienhuisHoving advocaten en notarissen

KienhuisHoving is specialised in the Dutch-German relations. Whether you have a contractual conflict with a German speaking party, are employed by a Dutch company but work in Germany or want to enter into a contract with a German party, we are your one-stop-shop for all your legal questions.


Our team members are all fully bilingual in the Dutch and German language and have been active as lawyer in Dutch-German relations for years. Language problems or misunderstandings are not an issue.


Translations can be provided in-house by trained employees. We know the culture, the people and the business in Germany. Furthermore, we have a wide international network of law firms from all over the world and can quickly connect you to the right lawyer.


KienhuisHoving only advises on Dutch law, but we have a large international network of law firms and tax accountants at our disposal.

Herbert Heidkamp
Herbert Heidkamp
KienhuisHoving advocaten en notarissen
Ingrid Warfmann
Ingrid Warfmann
KienhuisHoving advocaten en notarissen
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